Walt Hampton, J.D.

Creating the Work & Life You LOVE

Sweet Georgia On My Mind
March 3, 2011

I think I’m in love.

It seems like it could be a long term relationship.

She’s not exactly a “looker.”  A little “boxy.”  But that’s ok.

I really like her voice.  It’s not very sexy.  But it’s confident, soothing, self-assured.

Her name is Georgia.  At least that’s what I call her.

She’s my GPS.

I had to drive to JFK recently – at night.  It’s not a fun drive under the best of circumstances.  But I had given Georgia the address of the airport hotel.  Without a glitch, I arrived right at the front door.

Last weekend, I missed an exit on the interstate.  Couldn’t figure out where I was.  I pulled Georgia out of the glove box (she rather seems at home there) and gave her a local address.  Sure enough, I was right back on course.

That’s what I love about Georgia.  You tell her exactly where you want to go.  And you’re there.

I’ve been giving Georgia a lot of thought lately (as you can tell). You see, I’m fairly certain that each of us is equipped with an extraordinarily sophisticated internal GPS, a guidance system that will get us to where we want to go.  All we need to do is plug in the address, and, voila, our route is mapped out, our arrival assured.

This works for goals, dreams, aspirations, projects, careers, relationships and things.  Can you think of any meaningful achievement in your life that didn’t, at one time, “exist” only as a thought, only as a vision in your mind’s eye? Our thoughts manifest themselves. We achieve what we envision.

When we become clear on what we want, on where we want to go, on who we want to be – and we set our course – our arrival is a fait accompli.

The key is to become clear.  The key is to know – with certainty – exactly where it is that we want to end up.

If I don’t give Georgia an address, she sits there silently on my dash.  If I give her the “wrong” street number, she takes me exactly to that location, wrong or not.  If I give her a general vicinity, “general” is all I get.

She leads me – or not – to the very place I “envision.” And when I don’t “envision” anything, I end up exactly: nowhere.

In the vernacular of the computer: garbage in, garbage out.

Now here’s a way cool thing about Georgia.  I can miss the exit, blow by the turn off, take a left when I should have taken a right, gone north when I should have been going south, and it doesn’t matter. In her sultry voice, Georgia simply says, “recalculating.” And in the flash of an eye, she gives me new instructions, a fresh perspective, a way to get back on course.

So long as she has the address.

When I struggle with where I am going with my own hopes and dreams and aspirations and feel frustrated about not making progress, I realize that oftentimes it is because I am not being clear with myself about where I want to go.

The law of attraction says we attract that which we think about. If what we think about is fuzzy, fuzz is exactly what we’ll end up with.

Clarity is key.  Be clear on where you want to go. Dial in the address.

Sweet Georgia.  Be true to her.  And she’ll be true to you.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened.

Luke 11:9-10


  1. audrey

    What I love about Georgia is that no matter how many detours you take, she is always willing to recalculate. She holds the vision of the destination while we wander. ( And wander, I do.)
    Now, I want to know how to get a sexy Italian guy ( Georgio?) on MY GPS. Georgia doesn’t do it all for me.

  2. Kit Furey

    Another Thursday Masterpiece!


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