Walt Hampton, J.D.

Creating the Work & Life You LOVE

Do You Use Bad Language?
August 2, 2012

My mother used to threaten to wash my mouth out with soap. Those of you know me well can probably guess why.

All of us, though, have the capacity for bad language. And I’m not talking about the f-bomb kind.

What I’m talking about is the language we use when we view the world, when we consider our challenges, when we evaluate those around us; when we judge ourselves.

Is the world a benevolent place that seeks our good? Or is is dark and foreboding?

Do we ask what might go right? Or what will go wrong?

Are other people fellow journeyers on the path? Or predators waiting to take advantage of us?

How we “language” dictates how we feel about what “happens” to us:

Tony Robbins tells a story about a friend of his who got stuck in a broken-down, open-topped vehicle in the the jungles of Africa as night fell. His friend said: “My, this is inconvenient.”

  • Is the line at the DMV, yet another example or government’s ineptitude? Or a chance to chat with a stranger?
  • Is the traffic jam a disaster of existential proportion likely to lead to catastrophe and the demise of business as we know it? Or a  magnificent opportunity to listen to some beautiful music or an inspiring lecture?
  • Is the deal that just fell through the last best chance for profit and prosperity? Or is it a sign that a better opportunity lies ahead?

How we “language” what we face impacts how we feel about others:

Jack Canfield tells the story of standing in a line behind a man who was upbraiding a hotel clerk. Apparently the clerk had been unable to accommodate the man’s request for a larger room.  The man went away extraordinarily angry.  When Canfield’s turn came at the desk, he complimented the clerk on the kind and patient way in which the clerk had handled an unpleasant customer.  The clerk responded, “The man probably was just having a bad day.  He’s probably a very nice person.”

  • What if the guy who cuts you off in traffic is really on the way to the hospital to see his dying mother? Would you feel the same rage?
  • What if the cop who angrily tickets you for speeding just tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate an infant? Would you have the same indignation?
  • What if your boss who has ignored your last two emails has just discovered that her daughter is hooked on heroin? Would you be so annoyed?

How we “language” impacts what we believe about ourselves:

  • Do we believe that we are capable? Or that we lack in essential skills?
  • Do we believe that we’re deserving? Or that the train has passed us by?
  • Do we think that we’re the victor? Or do we play the victim?

How we “language” dictates our success:

  • Are there options? Or blind alleys?
  • Are there opportunities? Or just dangers?
  • Are there possibilities? Or just problems?

From the start, we set the stage. Joel Osteen suggests that before we get up in the morning, we tell ourselves these words: “This day will be a great day. I’m expecting God’s favor. I know I’m well able to fulfill my destiny. I’ve been empowered to overcome every obstacle. I have the strength to overlook every offense. I have the grace to rise above every disappointment. Even if things don’t go my way today, I know God’s in control, and that I’m making up my mind right now to be happy and enjoy this day.” That would sure switch things up, wouldn’t it?

What if you used “good” language? What if you believed that anything were possible?  What if you believed that you could make your wildest dreams come true? What if you believed that the Universe conspired for your good? What if you believed that the world was an abundant place and that there was enough to go around? How would that change up the way you approached the world?

Negativity pervades. How we language is a constant struggle. And yes, I’m fairly certain that my mother still wants to wash my mouth out with soap.

But Cy Coleman wrote, “The Best Is Yet To Come.” How ’bout we all work with that?









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